SCA 엑스포 in Boston 행사가 이번 주에 열려요.
몇년만에 열리는 대대적인 커피행사로 커피미업도 부스를 열고 참여하는데요.
특히 일요일에는 COE와 함께 맛있는 커피를 내려드립니다. 그밖에 에티오피아 1위 농장과의 행사 등 자세한 내용은 아래 COE공지를 참고하세요!
Heading to Expo?
Visit us for coffee at RV-18!
Every day we'll be featuring coffees roasted and purchased by one of our members. We'll also preview coffee from Cafeología, one of our new PCA auctions this year. Our Education Manager, Alex Pond, will be behind the bar serving coffees and answering any questions about Sensory Education Training you may have. Check out the lineup ⬆️ and be sure to come by early in the day as supplies are limited.
Bonus 🎁: on Sunday morning, April 10th, we'll be serving Ethiopia CoE #1 with the producer himself, @tamiru_tadesse.t ☕️
See you there!
#coffeeexpo2022 #cupofexcellence #커피미업